Influencer marketing as an effective form of advertising

Influencer marketing as an effective form of advertising

We encounter influencer marketing every day on social networks. In today’s world, it is one of the most effective ways of advertising for promoting and selling a product or service. But how does it all work?

Influencer marketing is a collaboration between a brand and an influencer who has built trust with their audience. Through social media posts, they can influence and motivate their followers to purchase a specific product or service. The most commonly used platforms for influencer marketing are Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

This advertising principle is based on trust in a specific person – the influencer whose recommendation and presentation are not a solid and intrusive advertisement. Well-executed collaborations hardly look like advertising. In most cases, it acts like “friendly” advice from someone who is sympathetic to the audience or understands the issue.

picture of female bloger

What is the role of an influencer?

An influencer is a person who can influence the actions of others. Firstly, they must create creative, engaging, exciting content that entertains their audience. Next, influencers test and use products directly in front of their followers, creating an authentic review. Finally, in addition to their own experience and presentation of the advantages and disadvantages, they provide relevant information on the price, availability and possibility of ordering the product online.

However, not every collaboration with an influencer makes sense. Choosing the right person who appeals to your company’s target group is essential. Each creator focuses on different topics and has a different style of content processing. Just look at their previous posts, their authenticity and their reach. When choosing an influencer, these questions can help you:

  • Is his content aligned with your product?
  • Is his target audience in line with yours?
  • Does his content generate enough interaction with the audience?”

Do not be afraid to ask for technical data from influencers before starting a collaboration. Please focus on the gender of the audience (whether women or men mostly follow them), the most followed age group, the countries of origin of the followers and similar parameters.

In addition, it is also essential to set a budget and then decide whether to approach influencers with a smaller audience (micro-influencers) or well-known faces with thousands of followers.

Micro-influencers can work wonders

They may have only a few thousand followers, but they can accurately target the audience you need. In addition, fans interact more with micro-influencers, allowing them to identify with them on a personal level. As a result, the level of interaction increases, which is one of the key indicators when choosing an influencer.

Micro-influencers are also interesting for small companies due to their lower cost, allowing this type of advertising to be tested.

What outputs do you expect?

When choosing the right influencer, the journey does not end but begins. First, you need to contact them and agree on cooperation. However, it would help if you had previously thought about what you will require of their outputs – the number of posts, Instagram stories, what you want to be included in the caption, whether it will be a video (reels) or photo, and other details that are important to set at the beginning.

In addition to the presentation of the influencer’s own experience with your product, a great tip is to offer them a unique code or send different products to a contest for their followers. These activities effectively motivate potential customers to purchase at your store or e-shop.

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