How to climb to the top of search engines using SEO?

How to climb to the top of search engines using SEO?

There are more than a billion websites in the world and yours can easily get lost among them. However, thanks to SEO, you can rise to the top of searches.

If you are in the world of marketing, the word SEO is certainly not foreign to you. But what is hidden behind this abbreviation, and why should we talk about it? The term comes from Search Engine Optimization, which means the optimization of websites in search engines. Its main task is to get your website to the highest possible ranks in search engines. Thanks to the optimal use of SEO, you can make your website more visible, make it easier to find potential customers, and increase its traffic, which increases the interest in buying a product or service.

How does the search engine work?

When we say the word search engine, the first thing that comes to mind is Google, Bing or Yahoo. Their operation is complex, and each uses its algorithms and methods of evaluation. In general, we can think of a search engine as a program that uses keywords or phrases to search for documents that contain them. Part of every search engine is also an index, which stores a database of all its papers or websites. When searching for a word or phrase, it sends a robot (a so-called crawler) that goes through the documents in the index as quickly as possible. Then, based on various factors, it evaluates and displays the search results.

Search engines display two types of results:

  •         paid
  •         organic

With organic, it is essential to use SEO to help us convince the search engine that our site is the ideal result.

How is SEO done?

The task of SEO is to set as best as possible all the factors based on which search engines evaluate pages. Therefore, we divide these factors into two groups:

  •          On-page SEO
  •          Off-page SEO

On-Page SEO

As the name suggests, on-page SEO includes all techniques and actions that we do directly on our website. Among the most critical factors that affect it are:

  •          URL address – it should indicate the content of your page.
  •          Title – is the first thing that catches the site visitor’s attention. Therefore, it must be catchy enough to attract attention and ensure a higher click-through rate. Ideally, it should contain up to 60 characters.
  •         Meta description – is the description located just below the title in the search results and should convince a potential client to click on your page. Its length should not exceed 150 characters.
  •           Header tags (heading formatting) – we know several levels of headings (subheadings) from H1 to H6, which help search engines better understand what is essential from the content. In addition, their use helps search engines and web visitors, who can find their way around more easily, thanks to the division of the text.
  •          Quality of content – the visitor comes to the site mainly because of the content that is its basis. Therefore, it should be well-processed with relevant information.
  •          Internal relinking – thanks to them, visitors can move around the site more easily. In addition, Google understands these links as a sign that the website covers the given issue from a broader perspective and thus provides appropriate information.
  •          Adding multimedia – images, videos, and gifs make the website more visually appealing content that is more structured and clear. With multimedia, one should not forget to use alternative text, title and image descriptions, which are also beneficial for SEO.

Off-page SEO

On the contrary, off-page SEO refers to all actions outside your website. It is often related to the so-called link building, which means getting backlinks to your website. By having other sites link to you, Google will evaluate the content as a trusted source of information and display you in the top positions in the search engine. Of course, it also depends on the quality of the websites that link to you, whether they have high traffic, regular and relevant content or are authorized by Google.

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